Before & After School Activities
Free Breakfast Meal
One free breakfast is available to each student every day that school is in session for the 2023-2024 school year. Breakfast is served in all three school buildings in the cafeteria from 7:45am-8:15am.
Academic Assistance
After School Clubs | Teacher Led
After School Clubs | Enrichment
We are very excited for the Y to begin their after school enrichment program. There are a limited number of spots available at each school. The cost of the program is being covered by the district this year, as a result of an increase in state aid funding that was received. The Y is still in the process of securing all of their staff for this program, the tentative start date is October 16, 2023.
FAQ about the YMCA Enrichment Program
Is this program replacing the current program the Y provides at all 3 schools?
The current supervision program will still be available. The enrichment program operates from 3:00-5:00 pm, you may choose to pay an additional fee if you need extended supervision until 6:30 pm.
Who is eligible to attend the after school enrichment program?
All students in grades 2-6.
What will this program include?
Each day students will engage in two enrichment activities, which can include STEAM based tasks, coding and athletic games/sports. Students will also have a snack during the session. This time is strictly focused on activities, time will not be provided to do homework.